Seriously Tasty Vegetarian Oyster Mushroom Steak

Ingredients Required (per person)
Cluster of Fresh Oyster Mushrooms (200g – 350g)
50g your favourite BBQ sauce
- 1 Desperado Beer
- 1 spring onion
- Fresh black pepper & Sea salt
- Oil (we use sunflower)
More Meaty than a lot of meat, this vegan mushroom steak tastes as good as it looks!!
You will need a frying pan and a large saucepan and a number of tin cans from your cupboard to make this “steak”. If you have a cast iron pan that is great.
1. Heat 1 tbsp of oil in the frying pan, a steel and clean / trim the growing area on the mushroom cluster.2. Once the oil is hot, coat the pan with the oil and place the mushrooms in the pan trimmed area downwards.
3. Move the mushrooms around to ensure they are not stuck. After a minute put the large saucepan onto of the mushrooms and push down on them, you can either keep some pressure on here for a few minutes, of stack the cans inside the saucepan. Your mushrooms will now be expelling water into the pan causing it to sizzle.
4. After 2 minutes, remove the saucepan from the mushrooms and wipe the pan base and set aside. Season your mushrooms with some Salt and Pepper. If you fancy a bit of spice add some Hot N Dirty seasoning.
5. Mix a good dose of your Desperado beer with the BBQ sauce until if reaches a nice consistency, and then brush 1/3 of that sauce onto the mushroom and flip it in the pan so you coated side starts to cook. After a minute repeat the pressing process as above.
6. Once you remove the pan continue to cook for a couple of minutes, then season the mushrooms again and paint 1/3 of the BBQ onto the top of the mushrooms, and then turn once again in the pan.
7. Continue to cook turning as required, we want to get a nice crispy finish to the mushrooms.
8. Once your mushrooms look crispy transfer then onto a piece of greaseproof paper and brush the remaining BBQ sauce onto your mushrooms, then place into the oven on 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Meanwhile slice your spring onion.
9. Once your mushroom steak is cooked, sprinkle with the spring onions. If you want to give it a kick you can season it with “Hot N Dirty” or your favourite seasoning.
Now enjoy what you just earnt.