Noodle Cake

Oyster Mushrooms (cut into large chunks) – 85g per person

1 Nest of dried fine noodles per person


125ml  Light Soy Sauce

150g Honey

75g Maple Syrup

85ml Cider vinegar

65ml cooking Sake

1tbsp Sesame oil

1 1/2 tbsp minced garlic clove of Garlic

1tsp Sichuan pepper

2  Spring Onion






In a bowl mix together everything except the noodles, mushrooms and the spring onion.


Separate the mushrooms leaving around 1cm on the stalk on each petal.


Tear (or slice) the mushrooms into sections of around 1cm thickness.



Put the noodles into a bowl of warm water and set aside.


Place the mushrooms into the marinade and stir well to make sure they are coated well.


After around 10 minutes the noodles should be nice and soft.   Drain them into a sieve.



Put about 1tbsp of oil into a pan, and heat to medium hot.


Drop in 1/2 of the noodles and for this into a noodle cake of around 1cm thickness.


Cook for 3-4 minutes, checking the bottom is brown and crispy, then turn and cook the other side.


Once done, put the cake onto some kitchen roll to absorb any fat, and the repeat for the rest of the noodles. 


Turn up the heat and once the pan is nice and hot add the mushrooms and 1 ladleful of marinade.


This will sizzle satisfyingly.  keep it moving and cook for 4-5 minutes until the sauce has reduced by about 50% and thickened.





Plate the Noodle cake and spoon mushrooms on top.

You want to add a small amount of sauce, we still want that pancake crispy.


Garnish with spring onion and watch the joy spread around the table!!   

The Oyster mushrooms alone in this recipe contain

Calories:                28

Fat:                           0.3g

Sodium:                 15.5mg

Carbohydrates:      5.2g

Fibre:                       2.0 g

Sugars:                   0.95 g

Protein                    2.9g

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