Late June 2020
So it seems my great idea of easy to follow instructions for some more abstract recipes was, well, abstract.
Apart from that, some of the things i would need for some of the recipes I was considering are pretty hard to get hold of, especially if you want them to be fresh.
When I look at the list of things I need the toughest and most expensive are Shiitake Mushrooms, Oyster Mushrooms… hmmm… I wonder how hard it is to grow mushrooms.
So, actually pretty hard. Well, hard and technical. But what a cool hobby. You need to be able to create sterile conditions for somethings, you need to do some playing with Straw and Sawdust.. You get to make cultures, and Liquid nutrient broths…
So Mycology, the study of mushrooms, is looking like a pretty cool thing to do… you probably have no idea how many mushroom varieties there are, or much about them…
A portion of Oyster mushrooms for example has more potassium than a bannana, is Fat Free, Gluten Free, Cholesterol Free & Super Low in Calories, as well as being full of anti-Oxidents and good minerals like Selenium along with sideeffcte that assiste with sleep and reducing anxiety (I think those last 2 are linked!!)
Lions Mane is not only one of the best eating mushrooms but has been proven to help stimulate neural pathways as it contains hericenones and erinacines. A study in older adults with mild cognitive impairment found that consuming 3 grams of powdered lion’s mane mushroom daily for four months significantly improved mental functioning, but these benefits disappeared when supplementation stopped. In addition Lions mane has been shown to offer benefits for Nervous system injuries and boosts the immune system. These benefits may also contribute to the other known benefits of Lions Mane such as benefts for Stomach Ulcers, Heart Disease and Diabetes.
Some mushrooms that we grow are not for food at all but are purely for their medicinal properies such as Reishi. This Fungus has some amazing benefits but tastes really bitter and is not suitable for eating!!
Interested in mushrooms yet?